Student Notes!!

Published by rebalamaestra

I am offering an opportunity to you for self empowerment and a chance to develop and grow in order to broaden your horizons and market your skills and talent for guaranteed success!! I have serviced organizations such as the Youth Connection (An Illinois Teen Reach Program), New Foundation of Hope, faith based institutions and several programs within the Chicago Public Schools as a Contracted Consultant. As a consultant I train parents and community residents of Chicago Public School students to teach their children and youth skills such as English Literacy, Spanish as a Second Language, Violence Prevention/Intervention Solutions in order to empower the youth of our future so to enable them to grow up to become productive and responsible adults who will contribute great things to the world.. By educating the adults in our youths' lives I am also able to empower them with the tools to Bridge the Generational Divide, Bridge the Digital Divide and Bridge the Cultural Divide among individual communities in many diverse communities within the City of Chicago. The foundation of my purpose in creating my programs of instruction is to empower you to empower others starting with the youth around you thus giving them the tools necessary to explore the world without fear. In my courses I help you to overcome fear barriers to learning a second language or practicing advanced strategies to communicate your native language effectively. I look forward to working with you as your Life Learning Coach as you embark on gaining excellent language communication skills!! Te amo.

15 thoughts on “Student Notes!!

  1. Hola, mamá Reba. Lamento mucho mi comportamiento, el año pasado, y haré todo lo posible para cambiar. No era normal en ese momento. Intentaré cambiar y ya no voy a actuar en tu clase. Quiero ser un erudito español. Por favor, perdóneme, y nos vemos el viernes. P. S esto es Israel

  2. One.)four (four- three) = four
    Uno.) Cuatro (cuatro-tres) = cuatro

  3. ¡Hola, compañeros de clase, que tengan una buena noche y nos vemos mañana en la escuela!

  4. This is my poem.
    Me and my friends, we never come to an end.
    First day of school, we got in trouble again.
    We stay together, there is no gap.
    We know where we are, we don’t need a map
    Are life is hard, we still live,
    Suicidal thoughts, we’ll kick it in the shin.
    We never let each other down, if we are hit, we get back up,
    Our team spirit is powerful, we don’t know how to slump.
    My message to you is to stay with your friends,
    Don’t ever give up, just always try again
    By Israel Bratton
    Este es mi poema.
    Mí y mis amigos, nunca llegamos a su fin.
    El primer día de clases, nos tuvimos en problemas otra vez.
    nos quedaremos juntos, no hay brecha.
    sabemos dónde estamos, no necesitamos un mapa
    son la vida es difícil, todavía vivimos,
    pensamientos suicidas, lo patearemos en la espinilla.
    Nunca nos dejamos caer, si nos golpean, volvemos a subir,
    nuestro espíritu de equipo es poderoso, no sabemos cómo bajar.
    Mi mensaje para usted es quedarse con sus amigos,
    nunca se dan por el, sólo siempre intente de nuevo.

  5. Compruebe su gramática y ortografía. Obtener ayuda si es necesario.

    Check your grammar and spelling errors. Get help if needed.

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